24 Hour Urinalysis
Objective Results that Correlate to Your Symptoms
Are you digesting the food you eat? Are you absorbing the nutrition you get from your food? Are you effectively eliminating wastes, toxins, and other excesses that the body doesn't need or want? A 24-Hour Urinalysis is collected at home, analyzed at certified labs around the country and answers these questions. The sample of a 24 hour urine catch can tell us many things. At our specialty labs, pathologists complete 19 tests such as pH, calcium, indican, vitamin C and non-protein-nitrogen. This urinalysis helps us determine which food groups you are having trouble digesting, and how lack of certain nutrients, or an inability to clear waste is affecting your body. In other words, the body will retain what it needs and eliminate the rest! A 24-hour sample is an accurate picture of what you eat and drink and how it has been affecting your body. The urinalysis provides valuable scientific information for designing a Personalized Health and Nutrition Program for you. We can see stress before the disease process begins. Symptoms like headaches, stiff sore joints, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, allergies, sleep issues and emotional stresses are flagging poor diet, digestion and elimination. We can also watch the disease process reverse itself, affording you a better quality of life. Your unique health status has individualized solutions when we identify the reasons behind symptoms and correct diet and digestion. |
We need to concern ourselves with the body's struggle to cope with our habits and lifestyle, and direct our nutritional recommendations at relieving its burden and maintaining homeostasis. Call here to talk to me: 973-821-4410 |