BodyMind Q & A
How do my thoughts affect my body?
The power of thought has been taught for years. What is different here is that you will learn the power of emotion.
What is the difference between thoughts and emotions?
You can repeat thoughts over and over like a mantra, but you will not experience the benefit without the factor of belief. At Next Level Healing, you will learn how to elevate your emotional state and apply it creatively toward the healing of your body.
What is the body-mind connection?
The brain has many functions. One of them is the storage of memories that warn us of danger related to bad experiences in our life. The part of the brain responsible for this is called the limbic system. For example, if you were robbed in a narrow dark alley, the limbic system would warn you through the emotion of fear whenever you were near a narrow dark alley. This protective mechanism is important in some cases, but not relative in others. People who have been sexually abused, for example, have trouble with intimacy in love relationships. This is because the action in the moment relates to a memory of the past. We would want to over-ride that fear so a fulfilling love relationship could unfold.
How do I over-ride unnecessary fears?
At Next Level Healing, you will learn techniques that have been proven to change belief patterns. For example, you will learn to control your emotional state just before you fall off to sleep. This technique not only allows a restful healing sleep, but also programs the mind for the highest mood level upon awakening. Along with a few others, such as hypothalamus reprogramming, this exercise will help you manifest good health.
What if my problem is structural, not emotional?
A structural exam in standing, sitting, pronated and supinated positions will alert us to any asymmetrical issues in your body. The bones are the only thing that should be symmetrical from right to left. If they are not, then the systems and organs that are supported by the bones can not have maximum function. The cause of some symptoms can therefore be related to a biomechanical abnormality or structural deformity of the feet. Change the way the feet hit the ground, and you change the entire structure of the body from the ground up.
What is an orthotic?
An orthotic is a custom support that goes inside you r shoes. It is the exact contour of your foot with adjustments that change the way the foot moves during weight-bearing.
Why can’t I wear a pair of orthotics sold at pharmacies?
The left and right feet are not the same – otherwise you would not have the structural stress that is affecting your health. The feet are shaped different in an effort to correct structural and positional imbalances, and provide shock absorption. If the left and right sides of your skeleton are not symmetrical, then you have structural stress, and the solution is helped by supporting and cushioning the bones of the feet – one foot at a time. Over the counter orthotics are identical side to side and back to front and therefore have no positive effect on your health.
Will the orthotics hurt?
No. The orthotic will be the identical shape of the bottom of your foot in a neutral position with minimal weight bearing. The correction will feel great because it will shift pressure off troubled areas and prevent further degeneration. Change the way the foot hits the ground and you will feel a positive change in the entire body.
When do I wear orthotics?
Wear your orthotics all the time, because it is better to be in a constant state of correction then to switch from corrected to uncorrected.
Will the orthotics fit in all my shoes?
The right question here is do your shoes fit the orthotics? Orthotics are the exact shape of your feet. If your shoes don’t take the orthotics, then the shoes don’t fit your feet.
Susan can trace the last, or internal shape of the shoe and create a custom orthotic that fits you, but the shoes should only be worn on special occasions or for special sports.
What kind of shoe should I buy for my orthotics?
Orthotics take up space in a shoe, and often need an extra depth, a deeper toe box, or a half size increase to accommodate the orthotic and the foot. Shoes with removable insoles are best, as they give a foundation for the orthotic to sit on. Susan will make suggestions about heel counter, rigidity, midsoles, last (shape) preferences and built-in antipronation devices.
How long will the orthotics last?
A change in anatomy, such as weight, foot structure, and flexibility, could require a new set of orthotics. If your activity level changes, your orthotics should be examined immediately. Otherwise, Susan will reevaluate the need for orthotics every 2 to 4 years.
How will I know if I am having problems?
Any new problems or increase in original symptoms could be a warning signal that some aspect of your orthotic is not correct. Blisters, new calluses, and open wounds should be reported immediately.
Is there any advice for runners?
Reduce mileage on hills, reverse your route daily, avoid sudden changes in surface, increase mileage very slowly, replace shoes frequently using the same brand unless a problem occurs, stretch gently and warm up gradually.
Are there any exercises that will help to correct structural problems?
Structural problems, such as shoulder fixations, unequal arm length, short leg syndrome, foot flare, hemipelvis, knee flexion, heal tension or leg rotation fixations can be corrected with specific exercises. If we find any of these issues during the structural exam, Susan will teach you the corresponding exercise to help correct the problem.