Physical Exam
We need to return to touch in our analysis of health The Physical Exam is comprised of blood pressure, height, weight, a structural and visceral stress analysis, and a homeostatic digestive challenge test.
Palpation of involuntary muscle contraction is a clinical tool that is used to determine deviations from normal structural alignment, visceral function, and homeostasis. The Homeostatic Digestive Challenge Test is performed at the first visit after a period of fasting, and then again 30 minutes after the ingestion of protein, fat, and carbohydrate. The findings, used in conjunction with a 24-hour urinalysis, usually pinpoint the true cause of symptoms. The human is supposed to be symmetrical in bone structure, but we often detect occiput, shoulder, and hip height differences. If bones are not symmetrical, the tendons, muscles and organs that are attached to the bones are not held in perfect place. This structural stress in turn can cause bio-physical symptoms. The Visceral Stress Reflex test is a palpation test conducted at every visit. There is increased muscle tension any time a system or organ is undernourished or over-toxic. This palpation exam helps determine what foods, enzymes, nutrients, thoughts, and actions will help you correct the source(s) of stress. Lymphatic stasis creates toxicity in soft tissues as well as organs and bones. During the palpation exam, we can determine where your lymph is congested, and help your body with enzyme formulas, stretching and breathing exercises, and natural gentle detox therapies. |
Pain and visceral dysfunction are always accompanied by muscle contraction. Call here to talk to me: 973-821-4410 |