Look around. People with good health can be picked out of the crowd. They have soft, firm skin, a lot of energy, a body's size that is normal for it's height. If you ask, they'll tell you that they sleep well, and are usually happy.
To achieve and maintain good health, we have to be stress free. Not easy in today's world, but defining the Source Of Stress is first. Our system of determining stress is through several avenues, as defined in the SERVICES section of this website. Next: available nutrients, clean water, healthy cell activity and "hope" are all we need!
START WITH "nutrition". Webster's Dictionary defines nutrition as "The science of food and the processes by which the organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food substances."
NEXT we "detox"....gently eliminating chemical stressors and wastes.
AND THEN "rebuild" to finally attain and maintain health - defined by Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary as "A normal condition of the body and mind, with all parts working normally".
Take a peek now at what has worked for Susan and her clients: